Ottawa Chair of Ukrainian Studies to host conference on Ukraine's transformation

OTTAWA - The Chair of Ukrainian Studies at the University of Ottawa is organizing an international conference on the state of Ukrainian studies in the social sciences. The conference - "Understanding the Transformation of Ukraine: Assessing What Has Been Learned, Devising a Research Agenda" - will critically examine the state of social science literature in Ukrainian studies and forge a research agenda for the field, focusing on the foremost questions that require systematic research. This will help clarify the research mission at Ottawa's Chair of Ukrainian Studies, which sees itself as primarily engaged in contemporary studies, and also provide a service to the field by engaging in what could become a permanent dialogue about where the field of contemporary Ukrainian studies is heading.

The conference will bring together 20 scholars from 17 institutions worldwide. The first day, Friday, October 15, will be devoted to the literature of transformation in the fields of politics, society, identity and security. The second day will begin with an examination of the impact of historical issues on contemporary politics and close with a roundtable on the Ukrainian presidential election featuring Paul d'Anieri, Oleh Havrylyshyn, Paul Kubicek and Andrew Wilson.

Mark von Hagen, professor of history at Columbia University and president of the International Association of Ukrainian Studies will deliver the keynote address on the theme of "What We Have Learned by Studying Ukraine: Reflection of a Historian."

Frank Sysyn, director of the Petro Jacyk Center for Ukrainian Historical Research at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies (CIUS), will join Dominique Arel, chair of Ukrainian Studies, in the closing session in sharing thoughts on "Looking Ahead: The Chair and the Field of Ukrainian Studies."

The conference is open to the public and is free. However, seating is limited and people wishing to attend are strongly encouraged to reserve in advance by e-mailing [email protected] or leaving a voice mail at (613) 562-5800, ext. 3692. Please leave your phone number so that we may confirm your reservation.

The conference is co-sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Alberta, and the Institute for European and Russian Studies, Carleton University.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 10, 2004, No. 41, Vol. LXXII

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