State Department comments on Ukraine's presidential election

Following is the text of a press statement on Ukraine's presidential election by Richard Boucher, spokesman for the U.S. State Department, issued on October 14.

The 2004 presidential election represents one of the most important events in Ukraine since independence. How the campaign, voting and vote tabulation are conducted will determine the democratic credentials of Ukraine's next president. Whether Ukrainians are allowed to exercise their right to a free and fair election and have their free expression of political will respected will significantly influence Ukraine's strategic course for the next decade.

This election offers Ukraine the opportunity to accelerate its development as a secure, independent, democratic and prosperous country that integrates with European and Euro-Atlantic institutions, respects human rights and the rule of law, maintains mutually beneficial relations with its neighbors, and helps strengthen international peace and security.

We are deeply disappointed that the campaign to date has fallen short of international standards. The disruption of opposition rallies, muzzling of independent media, misuse of "administrative resources" and other serious violations cast doubt on the Ukrainian government's commitment to its democratic obligations.

We urge the Ukrainian authorities to end immediately the ongoing violations of democratic norms, to allow Ukrainians to choose freely, and to adhere scrupulously to internationally accepted standards for tabulating and registering results on election day. We further urge that observers, both domestic and international, be granted full access to the campaign and election-day processes.

We remain committed to support Ukraine's future as part of the Euro-Atlantic community. We are prepared to work closely with any candidate who wins in a free and fair contest. We are also prepared to move forward quickly on many issues of importance to Ukraine. At the same time, if the election does fail to meet democratic standards, it would be unrealistic for Ukraine to expect realization of these aspirations. We would also need to re-examine our relationship with those who engaged in election fraud and manipulation.

We urge Ukrainians to seize the opportunity presented by the election to strengthen their nation's rightful place in the community of democratic nations. Ukrainians deserve to choose freely and have their choice respected.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 17, 2004, No. 42, Vol. LXXII

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