FOR THE RECORD: An open letter from Hryshchenko

In an open letter written in Paris in 1963 on the occasion of the creation of the Alexis Gritchenko Foundation and the opening of an exhibition of his work at the Ukrainian Institute of America (UIA) to mark the event, Oleksa Hryshchenko speaks movingly of his rationale for establishing the foundation, expresses his sincere gratitude to all who have contributed to the realization of the project, especially his numerous friends and colleagues, as well as to the trustees of the foundation and the officers of the UIA. He also extends a special word of thanks to the editors of Svoboda for the paper's consistent coverage of his work and exhibitions.

The letter, which was addressed to the general public, appeared in the April 12, 1963, issue of the Ukrainian-language Svoboda daily.

Referring to the creation of the foundation as a major milestone in his life, Hryshchenko notes that, given all of life's vagaries, it was not easy to safeguard and collect his work, but that he believes that the collection of his work which he bequeaths "to his native land" is a "good legacy."

He expresses the hope that the collection of his art work will remain intact and that his work will not pass into oblivion but will be well thought of in the countries where his fellow countrymen reside, as well as in his homeland.

Hryshchenko ends by expressing the hope that his artistic legacy may be shared, studied and enjoyed by future generations throughout the world, but most especially in his native land.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, October 24, 2004, No. 43, Vol. LXXII

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