FOR THE RECORD: Resolutions of the UCCA's 19th Congress

Below are the resolutions of the 19th Congress of Ukrainians in America.

The 19th Congress of Ukrainians in America took place on September 24-26, at the Crowne Plaza Hotel, in the "City of Brotherly Love," Philadelphia, Pa., one month after the 13th anniversary of the proclamation of Ukrainian Independence and five weeks to the date before the fourth presidential elections are to occur in Ukraine.

The congress took place in 2004, during which we commemorate the following anniversaries:

The delegates of the 19th Congress of Ukrainians respectfully and warmly welcome all Ukrainian people, from the homeland and around the world, all patriots, who were and are still loyal to the idea of a Ukrainian nation, who in the past worked to create the Ukrainian state and who work today to strengthen and model Ukraine after the democratic principles of the global community.

We greet the hierarchy and clergy of the Ukrainian Churches in Ukraine and in the diaspora.

We greet our statesmen from various organizations, who tirelessly and diligently work for domestic changes in Ukraine and also for the strengthening of Ukraine's position in the global community.

We greet the Presidium of the Ukrainian World Congress, Ukrainian independent political groups and parties, who occupy state positions; educational, military and financial institutions, fraternal organizations and, in particular, the leaders and members of the youth and student organizations in Ukraine and the diaspora.

Also, we extend our greetings to the government and people of the United States of America. We bow our heads to those American soldiers who are risking their lives in the war against terror.

In particular, we bow our heads to all the Ukrainian soldiers-patriots: the forces of the OUN-UPA, members of the resistance movement; the dissidents who gave their lives in the fight for the establishment of a free, independent and sovereign Ukrainian nation. We also bow our heads before those members of the UCCA who have passed away, who dedicated their lives and worked diligently for their country.

We honor the 125th anniversary of Ukrainian immigration to the United States. We honor this accomplishment and in particular the strong commitment to the preservation of ethnic nationalities and the building of religious life, schools, organizations and a national-cultural infrastructure. We honor the Ukrainian American community's dedication to maintaining our native language as an important element for the cultivation of our national identity. We want the attitudes of these first pioneers to influence the actions of today's immigrants and the immigrants who will continue to come into this country.

We call upon community members, in their cities and towns, to pay close attention to our youth, to work with them, to give them every chance to participate in becoming part of organized Ukrainian life in which they will be able to preserve our native language and Ukrainian identity. In particular, we should uphold our youth organizations and actively facilitate the growth of groups in the student sector.

We understand the fundamental role of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA). In the course of the more than 60 years since its establishment, the UCCA has worked toward the building of a Ukrainian community in America, under representative leadership that has stemmed from our political, cultural and economic ties in the United States. We emphasize the necessity of our existence today and in the future.

We assert that every community is only as strong as it financial base. The financial base of the UCCA is composed of donations to the Ukrainian National Fund, individual donations for the continuing work of the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) in Washington and donations that will begin to rebuild the Million Dollar Fund as an investment, the interest of which is put towards the realization of special projects that often develop and require appropriate action. That is why we call upon the Ukrainian community to financially support UCCA and its endeavors.

The 19th Congress of Ukrainians in America calls upon all members of the Ukrainian American community, no matter when you immigrated to this country, to take part in the various forms of organized Ukrainian life so as to create a powerful and strong Ukrainian ethnic group in the United States, because only strong organizations will be able to forcefully convey the gravity of our influence on American political life, the impact of which will increase our strength in realizing our goals here in the United States and in Ukraine.

Currently, the significant and active issues that are before the Ukrainian community include:

Since its establishment the UCCA has always focused on Ukraine, finding joy in its accomplishments and triumphs, and showing concern for its troubles and challenges.

Today we rejoice that Ukraine has been a free state for 13 years, that Ukraine has its own Constitution, which is slowly becoming the model for a life based on democratic principles. However, there are also serious problems:

With great emphasis, we call on the current government of Ukraine to secure the conduct of the presidential elections, so that they will be open and transparent, and so that the Ukrainian citizens will be able to cast their votes without fear of repercussions. We call on those members of the Ukrainian community who live outside the borders of their motherland to take an active role in the presidential elections and contribute their vote.

We call on the government of Ukraine, its current and future presidents, to work towards raising the country's economic status, to create opportunities for all those who seek jobs, to improve the quality of life for the Ukrainian people so that they will not have to go abroad to find jobs and money, because this will negatively impact the economic, demographic and cultural potential of Ukraine.

Finally, we emphasize that we live in unstable times, marked by terrorism, in which American, Ukrainian American and Ukrainian soldiers are working for peace in many parts of the world and are risking their lives. We bow our heads before all the soldiers, but in particular before the Ukrainian soldiers because as they stand on the battlelines as peacekeepers, they also stand in defense of the Ukrainian nation.

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America acknowledges the steps taken by the Ukrainian National Association at its convention in May 2002 in Chicago to undertake the process of renewing its relationship with the UCCA and acknowledges the decision by the UNA General Assembly in November 2003 to vote unanimously to re-establish its membership with the UCCA.

The 19th Congress of the UCCA further appreciates the contribution of the UNA and appreciates the good faith efforts made so far which have led to the participation of the UNA in the 19th Congress of the UCCA. The Congress also acknowledges that further refinement of outstanding issues must take place, which will serve to strengthen the relationship and will serve as a means by which to unify Ukrainian American organizations in our community under one central umbrella organization.

For the Resolutions Committee:
Luka Kostelyna, chair
Prof. Ivan Holowinsky
Stephen Kuropas
Roma Lisovich
Osyp Rozka
Prof. Wolodymyr Stojko
Prof. Dmytro Shtohryn

Translated from the official Ukrainian-language resolutions of the 19th Congress of Ukrainians in America by the Ukrainian National Information Service.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 14, 2004, No. 46, Vol. LXXII

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