Sen. Lugar's statement in Kyiv

Below is the text of a statement by U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Richard Lugar issued in Kyiv on November 22.

I have been honored to serve as President George Bush's representative during the November 21 run-off election in Ukraine.

As I approached that responsibility, I noted that the campaign had already been marked by widespread political intimidation and failure to give equal coverage to candidates in the media. Physical intimidation of voters and illegal use of governmental administrative and legal authorities had been evident and pervasive.

I have come not as an advocate of either candidate in the November 21 election but to stress free and fair election procedures that would strengthen worldwide respect for the legitimacy of the winning candidate.

OSCE/ODIHR and other observers mention an extensive list of serious procedural violations including:

Even in the face of these attempts to end any hope of a free and fair election, I was inspired by the willingness and courage of so many citizens of Ukraine to demonstrate their passion for free expression and the building of a truly democratic Ukraine. As corrupt authorities tried to disrupt, frighten and intimidate citizens, brave people pushed back by continuing to do their best to keep the election on track and to prevent chaos.

President Leonid Kuchma in his Saturday night address to the people said: "There will be no revolutions. We shall have elections. Elections worthy of a 21st century European country."

President Bush wrote in a letter which I carried to President Kuchma: "You play a central role in ensuring that Ukraine's election is democratic and free of fraud and manipulation. A tarnished election, however, will lead us to review our relations with Ukraine."

In thoughtful and careful representation of President Bush's words, I visited with President Kuchma, Prime Minister Yanukovych and Speaker Lytvyn with explicit requests for them to terminate any further campaign violations. Despite the already recorded long list of egregious assaults on democracy in Ukraine, I said both publicly and privately that I had come to celebrate the building of strong democratic institutions in Ukraine.

It is now apparent that a concerted and forceful program of election day fraud and abuse was enacted with either the leadership or cooperation of governmental authorities.

I believe that President Kuchma has the responsibility and the opportunity for producing even at this point an outcome which is fair and responsible. He will enhance his legacy by prompt and decisive action which maximizes worldwide confidence in the Presidency of Ukraine and the extraordinary potential future which lies ahead of this country.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 2004, No. 48, Vol. LXXII

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