Diaspora leaders' statement

Following is the text of a statement by Ukrainian diaspora leaders on the presidential election in Ukraine. The statement was released on November 22.

The Ukrainian World Congress and its member-organizations in 30 countries, actively monitored the electoral process in Ukraine on November 21. Our conclusions are based upon the observations of some 250 international monitors, accredited by the Central Elections Commission from the UWC and our member-organization, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA), which included a delegation from the Ukrainian Canadian Congress (UCC).

Irrespective of the final result to be announced by the CEC, at this time it is clear, even assuming the current numbers of the CEC, that the tally for each candidate is similar. For this reason we feel that the violations which took place to benefit candidate Viktor Yanukovych influenced the result submitted by the CEC. Should the CEC declare Viktor Yanukovych president, he cannot be deemed to have been elected by the voters. Should the CEC declare Viktor Yushchenko president, he will have overcome substantial obstacles and violations.

Among the violations we include such primitive ones as proxy voting, procurement of more than one ballot by some voters, attempts to stuff the ballot box by representatives of the local elections commissions or their friends, the so-called carousel, flagrant bribing, etc. More significant were events such as suggesting a vote for candidate Yanukovych by the local elections commissions, remitting invites to vote with a pamphlet about candidate Yanukovych, personal advice on how to vote given by local election commission members, directors of establishments of employment and others in positions of influence. The most severe results were due to an egregious abuse by candidate Yanukovych of administrative state resources, not only from the government of Ukraine but also from non-democratic foreign governments, i.e., Russia and the not-recognized Transdniester. Additionally, we mention detainments and attempts to frighten Yushchenko's monitors.

The Ukrainian diaspora, whose activities are coordinated by the UWC, sends greetings to Viktor Yushchenko as the winner of the election and offers him its support for the benefit of the Ukrainian people and an independent democratic Ukrainian state.

Askold S. Lozynskyj
President, UWC

Victor Pedenko
Secretary General, UWC

Michael Sawkiw
President, UCCA

Ostap Skrypnyk
Executive Director, UCC

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 2004, No. 48, Vol. LXXII

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