U.S. "stands with the Ukrainian people"

The following statement was issued on November 23 in Crawford, Texas, by the White House Office of the Press Secretary. It was transmitted to The Ukrainian Weekly by the Embassy of the United States in Ukraine.

The United States is deeply disturbed by extensive and credible indications of fraud committed in the Ukrainian presidential election. We strongly support efforts to review the conduct of the election and urge Ukrainian authorities not to certify results until investigations of organized fraud are resolved. We call on the government of Ukraine to respect the will of the Ukrainian people, and we urge all Ukrainians to resolve the situation through peaceful means. The government bears a special responsibility not to use or incite violence, and to allow free media to report accurately on the situation without intimidation or coercion. The United States stands with the Ukrainian people in this difficult time.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 2004, No. 48, Vol. LXXII

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