Canadian MP notes increase in electoral fraud

KYIV - Liberal MP Borys Wrzesnewskyj, a Canadian parliamentary election observer in Ukraine, expressed profound disappointment with the concerted and systematic fraud perpetrated against the will of the Ukrainian people in the second round of the Ukrainian presidential election.

"I had considerable optimism that Ukrainian authorities would have fixed the flaws and put right the many problems identified in the first round of the presidential election," he said. "I am extremely disappointed that Ukrainian authorities ignored warnings from the democratic circle of countries, including a motion passed by Canada's House of Commons, and simply steamrolled over the democratic will of the Ukrainian people and severely damaged Ukraine's democratic development and its international reputation."

Reports from election monitors show that the level of intimidation and electoral fraud was far worse in the second round of voting than the first round.

Commenting on the second round, Mr. Wrzesnewskyj stated that:

"The intimidation of electoral and international observers, as well as the systematic fraud at the riding, territorial and national level, has shocked and dismayed both Ukrainian and international observers and is an outrage committed against the democratic will of the people of Ukraine. Notwithstanding the systematic and multi-layered fraud, and the results of the Central Electoral Commission, the exit polls showed that the winner of the election was Viktor Yushchenko. Consequently as a Member of Parliament of Canada who directly participated in monitoring the election, I have an obligation to speak out."

Speaking at the initial rally in Independence Square in central Kyiv attended by 100,000-plus Ukrainians, Mr. Wrzesnewskyj echoed the sentiments of the people:

"For the past 10 years the people of Ukraine have felt that this corrupt regime has been stealing from them and robbing the country of its future; this time the people feel that their democratic will is being stolen away. It is my belief that the people of Ukraine will not allow this to happen. Having observed the process and having noted the exit poll results, in solidarity with the will of the people of Ukraine, I would urge the international community to not accept the fraudulent results, as Viktor Yushchenko is the candidate who should be declared president."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 2004, No. 48, Vol. LXXII

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