Havel sends message to Ukraine


PRAGUE - Former Czech President Vaclav Havel sent the people of Ukraine a message of solidarity on November 23 as the streets of Kyiv, filled with protesters angry with the alleged manipulation of election results that currently have Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych winning the Ukrainian presidency over his opposition rival, Victor Yushchenko.

The message, received by RFE/RL at its Prague broadcast center at 17:00 Central European time for broadcast to Ukraine by RFE/RL's Ukrainian Service and by the Czech Embassy in Kyiv to be read to pro-Yushchenko demonstrators, was also sent to the Czech news agency CTK.

The following is an English translation (originally in Czech) of the message, sent from Taiwan, where Mr. Havel is currently on a visit to Asia [translation: Magda Sebestova, RFE/RL].

Dear Citizens:

Allow me to greet you in these dramatic days when the destiny of your country is being decided for decades ahead. You have its future in your hands. All trustworthy organizations, both local and international, agree that your demands are just. That is why I wish you strength, perseverance, courage and good fortune with your decisions.

Yours truly,
Vaclav Havel

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 2004, No. 48, Vol. LXXII

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