Helsinki Commission leaders express support of demonstrators in Ukraine

WASHINGTON - United States Helsinki Commission leaders on November 24 issued statements in support of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainian citizens of all ages amassing in a nationwide protest in the face of outright fraud and falsification in Ukraine's presidential election held Sunday.

"I offer my heartfelt support for Ukrainians seeking truth during this critical period for democracy," said Helsinki Commission Chairman Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.). "I admire the bravery and determination of those demonstrating their desire for an honest count of election votes and encourage Ukrainians to continue their resolve in their pursuit of democratic freedoms. As we prepare to give thanks for our cherished freedoms this Thanksgiving Day, let us not forget those struggling peacefully for their rights and freedoms in cities throughout Ukraine. I urge a constructive resolution of the current impasse that would fully respect the will of the Ukrainian people and the rule of law."

Commission Co-Chairman Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell (R-Colo.) stated: "The numerous findings of domestic and international observers, including Helsinki Commission staff, make clear that the Ukrainian authorities are determined to thwart the will of the Ukrainian people through intimidation, manipulation and outright falsification. These elections have profound implications not only for Ukraine, but for pro-democracy forces in Russia, Belarus and elsewhere in the former Soviet Union."

"What we've seen in Kyiv's Independence Square over the last three days is reminiscent of Georgia's Revolution of Roses one year ago," said Helsinki Commission Ranking Member Rep. Benjamin L. Cardin (D-Md.). "The level of fraud witnessed by Ukrainian and international observers is shocking. I share in the hope that Ukrainians will be allowed to continue their peaceful protests in their quest for honest election results."

Up to 500,000 citizens have filed into Kyiv's Independence Square since Sunday night, November 21, in a growing protest of the government's official tally of presidential election votes.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, November 28, 2004, No. 48, Vol. LXXII

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