Canada rejects announced results of Ukraine's presidential election

OTTAWA - Canada on November 24 rejected the results of Ukraine's bitterly disputed presidential election, joining the United States and other countries in refusing to recognize the declared winner, reported the Canadian Press news service.

Deputy Prime Minister Anne McLellan told the House of Commons that the federal government does not recognize the victory of Kremlin-backed Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych. "Considering the allegations of serious and significant electoral fraud from international and Canadian election observers, the government of Canada cannot accept that the announced results by the central election commission reflect the true, democratic will of the Ukrainian people," said Ms. McLellan.

"Canada rejects the announced final results. The government of Canada calls for a full, open, transparent review of the election process and Canada will have no choice but to examine its relations with Ukraine if the authorities fail to provide election results that reflect the democratic will of the people of that country," she said.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 5, 2004, No. 49, Vol. LXXII

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