Quotable notes

"Russia's blatant intervention makes a mockery of President Putin's accusation that the West is meddling in Ukraine and his statement that no one should interfere in the electoral process. The mayor of Moscow, Yurii Luzhkov, fueled more controversy when he was welcomed at a pro-Yanukovych rally in eastern Ukraine at the weekend."

- Peter Biles, BBC world affairs correspondent, writing on December 1.

"The elections were stolen. Violations are too numerous to enumerate. They were legion and they were flagrant, and what happened in Donetsk in terms of 'getting out the vote' and the positive vote for the 'right candidate' was reminiscent of the electoral zealotry of Soviet times."

- Orest Deychakiwsky, staff adviser of the Helsinki Commission, writing on November 24 after returning from a stint as an election monitor in Ukraine.

"The official results of the elections do not meet the people's will and this is a violation of their constitutional rights."

- Roman Zvarych, an advisor to Viktor Yushchenko, as quoted on November 29 by the Associated Press.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 5, 2004, No. 49, Vol. LXXII

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