Quotable notes

"My razom, nas bahato, i nas ne podolaty" (We're together, there are many of us, and we cannot be defeated.)

- chant of opposition movement.

"...now it is clear that the people of Ukraine have stood up for their right to choose and they are choosing Yushchenko."

- Prof. Marta Dyczok of the University of Western Ontario, an election observer, writing on November 25 from Kyiv.

"This is Ukraine's rebirth, and you should remember that."

- Dmytro Schwartz, 71, a retired schoolteacher who came to Independence Square on November 23, speaking to his 11-year-old grandson, David, as quoted by the Associated Press.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 5, 2004, No. 49, Vol. LXXII

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