Highlights from the UNA's 110-year history

A special yearlong feature focusing on the history of the Ukrainian National Association.

At the Ukrainian National Association's 31st Regular Convention held in 1986 in Dearborn, Mich. (near Detroit), Supreme President John O. Flis reported on the UNA's work "in defense of our Ukrainian heritage."

Following are excerpts from his report to the convention.

"There are no individuals on this earth who are more proud of their national heritage than are our UNA members, Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Canadians. It was, therefore, with dismay that we noted in 1984 and 1985 what we perceived as an organized and well-orchestrated attack against some leaders and activists of the Ukrainian American and Ukrainian Canadian community, because of their alleged wartime cooperation with the Nazis. ... In one book, 'American Swastika,' the UNA was being pictured as a Nazi front organization prior to and during the second world war.

"The United States [Office of Special Investigations] agreed to utilize Soviet-manufactured evidence in trials in American courts, contrary to our long-standing rules of evidence. The Ukrainian American community rose up as one in order to repel these unprovoked attacks. ...

"The Ukrainian Heritage Defense Committee was formed and funded at the 1985 annual meeting of the UNA Supreme Assembly. It immediately started planning to open a Washington, D.C., office, so that the UNA could exert some influence in similar matters of concern to Ukrainian Americans.

"... The Ukrainian Heritage Defense Committee has since its inception met monthly ... The committee at last determined to render aid to given projects intended to aid the Ukrainian cause rather than to organizations."

Source: Report of the Supreme President, Minutes of the 31st Regular Convention of the Ukrainian National Association (1986). The border used for this special feature is reproduced from a UNA membership certificate dated 1942.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 5, 2004, No. 49, Vol. LXXII

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