Australia's Ukrainian community says one election monitor is not enough

ESSENDON, Australia - The Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations (AFUO) has today written to Prime Minister John Howard and Minister for Foreign Affairs Alexander Downer calling for immediate action to strengthen Australia's commitment and presence as observers at the December 26, elections in Ukraine.

Minister Downer informed the AFUO that Australia will officially be present through an officer from the Department of Foreign Affairs - based at the Embassy of Australia in Moscow.

Australia's decision to officially be present is welcomed, however, the process of participation has been totally rejected at all rallies held this weekend - Newcastle, Melbourne, Brisbane and at public meetings in other states, according to Mr. Romaniw. Petitions have been circulated, letters are being written, and contact is being made with members of Parliament to send objections.

The Melbourne rally on Saturday, December 11, in Federation Square, was attended by over 1,000 people. There was outrage that the Australian government had dealt with such a major issue in such a minor way - given its involvement in Iraq, Afghanistan and East Timor. Resolutions were passed to demand immediate action from the government to strengthen its resolve and presence in Ukraine during the elections.

Rallies in Newcastle on Friday, December 10, saw a similar reaction and a December 13 rally over the Goodwill Games Bridge and meeting at The Domain in Brisbane saw slogans addressed to the Australian government such as "One is not enough."

The Canadian government is sending 500 observers as part of the team fielded by the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe at a cost of $3.5 million. The United States government and the government of the Federal Republic of Germany are each sending 100 observers. Norway, a country with a population of less than 5 million, with no Ukrainian community to speak of and no special ties to Ukraine, sent five observers to the election on November 21 and has promised to double that number for the poll on December 26.

In letters to Prime Minister Howard and Minister Downer, the AFUO is seeking meetings to discuss this matter.

The AFUO has also written to the Special Minister for State and the Electoral Commissioner requesting the Australian Electoral Commission consider sending a representation.

Currently 12 observers from the Ukrainian community in Australia have registered to travel to Ukraine. They are paying their own airfares and costs.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 19, 2004, No. 51, Vol. LXXII

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