FOR THE RECORD: UMANA letter to leadership in Ukraine

Below is the text of an open letter sent on November 30 by the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America to the Parliament of Ukraine, the Supreme Court of Ukraine, the Ministry of Health of Ukraine and the Ukrainian Medical Association. A copy of the letter was received by The Ukrainian Weekly on December 9.

The will of the Ukrainian people to elect their leaders fairly and honestly cannot be denied.

Multiple local and international third-party observers have determined recent electoral events in Ukraine to be patently unfair, dishonest and fraudulent. The Ukrainian Parliament has declared the disputed presidential elections invalid. The Supreme Court of Ukraine has agreed to review the accusations of electoral fraud.

These findings are deeply troubling. Countries of the free world are watching Ukraine. The actions of the leaders of Ukraine are on public display. You will be judged not only by your countrymen, but by all free and democratic peoples of the world.

The health of the nation is your responsibility. Ukrainians have a right to be free of political psychological pressure. They have a right to live without threats and intimidation. They have a right to political disputes free of injustice, violence, mayhem and international bullying.

The health professionals of the Ukrainian Medical Association of North America strongly urge you, the leadership of Ukraine, to spare no effort in confronting these unjust and fraudulent actions.

You have been given the responsibility of representing and implementing the will of the Ukrainian people. Do so with honor and fortitude.

There is only one fair and honest direction to take: let truth flourish and allow the citizens of Ukraine to freely and honestly determine their place among legitimate societies of the world.

Bohdan A. Iwanetz, M.D.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 19, 2004, No. 51, Vol. LXXII

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