Shevchenko Society sponsors presentation of new journal of literature

by Dr. Orest Popovych

NEW YORK - The printed version of the inaugural issue of Ukrainian Literature: A Journal of Translations was presented here at the Shevchenko Scientific Society (NTSh) on December 11. The corresponding Internet edition ( or was launched in August.

This first-ever publication devoted exclusively to English translations of Ukrainian literature, which is scheduled to appear biennially, is published by the Shevchenko Scientific Society NTSh. The first volume, which was presented here, was financed by a grant from the Ivan and Elizabeth Chlopecky Fund of the Shevchenko Scientific Society (USA).

The editor of the journal is Maxim Tarnawsky, professor of Ukrainian literature at the University of Toronto; manuscript editor Uliana Pasicznyk manuscript editor, who is also editor and managing editor at the Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies. The editorial board comprises professors of literature: Taras Koznarsky (Canada), Askold Melnyczuk (U.S.A.), Michael M. Naydan (U.S.A.) and Marko Pavlyshyn (Australia). All are members of NTSh, while Dr. Pavlyshyn is also the president of NTSh in Australia.

The program was opened by Dr. Larissa Onyshkevych, NTSh president and was chaired by Prof. Vasyl Makhno.

The first featured speaker was Marta Tarnawsky, librarian at the University of Pennsylvania Law School, bibliographer, and chair of the NTSh Publications Committee. Ms. Tarnawsky traced the history of the pioneering translation project, which she had initiated and for which she had campaigned since 1987. According to Ms. Tarnawsky, it was hardest to find an editor for this type of journal, and only secondarily - a sponsor. Eventually, she managed to persuade her son, Dr. Maxim Tarnawsky, to assume the responsibilities of the editor-in-chief, while the funding has been secured from NTSh.

Ms. Tarnawsky said she is convinced that this historical first journal of English translations of Ukrainian literature will serve to fill a major void by paving the way for English-speaking readers for getting to know Ukrainian literature. That in turn should project Ukrainian literature onto the international stage, leading to a greater understanding and respect of Ukrainians throughout the world, opined Ms. Tarnawsky.

Dr. Tarnawsky began by thanking NTSh and its president, Dr. Onyshkevych, for providing financial support for the journal. After noting the names of the editors and translators, Dr. Tarnawsky enumerated the editorial objectives of his publication: to provide quality translations; to translate only Ukrainian-language literature; to emphasize contemporary works and prose; and to publish only new translations. He went on to say that the new journal will facilitate the teaching of Ukrainian literature to English-speaking students, while its availability on the Internet will assure worldwide access, noting that English-speaking people of Ukrainian origin who are unable to read Ukrainian might choose to retrace their roots with the aid of Ukrainian literature in translation.

A novel aspect of the project is that the journal purchases the copyrights of the authors and translators and also pays for their work.

When translations are received by the editors, they are reviewed and checked against the original Ukrainian. This task is mainly the responsibility of Ms. Pasicznyk, who is both editor and translator. Ms. Pasicznyk explained the process of translation editing referring to the inherent difficulties. She provided examples by reading excerpts from her English translations and their Ukrainian originals.

Translators Mark Andryczyk, a Ph.D. candidate at the University of Toronto, and Yaryna Yakubyak - a husband-and-wife duo - read excerpts from their joint translations, as well as the Ukrainian originals.

Anatole Bilenko, a translator from Kyiv and a member of the Writers' Union of Ukraine, related his life's experiences in this field.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 19, 2004, No. 51, Vol. LXXII

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