AFUO leader meets with minister

MELBOURNE - Minister for Multicultural Affairs Peter McGauran and the chairman of the Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organizations (AFUO), Stefan Romaniw, met on Friday, December 17, in Melbourne to discuss the current situation in Ukraine in relation to the presidential election, Australia's involvement in the monitoring process and the activities of Australia's Ukrainian community.

The minister congratulated the community for its activity and offered his support and thanks to the community for its work in highlighting Ukraine's struggle in seeking democracy. Mr. Romaniw thanked the minister and his staff for their support in contacting the minister for foreign affairs in seeking a stronger position by the Australia government in the monitoring process.

Foreign Affairs Minister Alexander Downer on December 16 announced $30,000 funding to support two monitoring agencies in Ukraine and upgraded the status of Australia's presence by sending Australia's ambassador to Ukraine, Leslie Rowe, to represent the government. Mr. Romaniw said the AFUO supports this position and considers them as being positive steps.

Previously, the AFUO had protested to the foreign minister that the designation of one election monitor from the Australian government (an officer from the Foreign Affairs Department at Australia's Embassy in Moscow) was not sufficient to demonstrate Australia's commitment to democracy in Ukraine.

Minister McGauran wished the AFUO delegation traveling to Ukraine as monitors a safe journey and commended them for their commitment.

Issues of community development, immigration and foreign affairs were also discussed during the meeting. The minister indicated his support for the Ukrainian Australian community and said he looked forward to working with it in the future.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 2004, No. 52, Vol. LXXII

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