Highlights from the UNA's 110-year history

A special yearlong feature focusing on the history of the Ukrainian National Association.

Delegates to the Ukrainian National Association's 34th Convention held on May 19, 1998, traveled to Canada for the conclave, which was held in Toronto for the first time in the fraternal organization's history. Toronto was described by UNA President Ulana Diachuk in her report to the convention as "a vibrant cen-

ter of the Ukrainian Canadian community, a city where over 120,000 Canadians of Ukrainian descent reside."

Among the many greetings sent to the delegates of the 34th Convention was one from a national deputy of Ukraine, Hennadii Udovenko, who was elected president of the 52nd Session of the United Nations General Assembly.

Mr. Udovenko, a former ambassador of Ukraine to the United Nations, wrote: "The 100-year-long history of this organization, whose membership extends to 29 states of the United States of America and to all provinces of Canada, is a tremendous source for your pride and confidence. Having been in service for such a long time, the Ukrainian National Association has explicitly demonstrated its strength, viability and, what is even more important, its ability to swiftly reach out to help those in need. Through all these years, it has cherished the Ukrainian national idea and has been genuinely supportive of and highly instrumental for the processes leading to democratic changes in Ukraine."

Mr. Udovenko concluded his message by expressing his hope that the UNA "will continue to prosper for the benefit of the Ukrainian community worldwide."

Source: Minutes and Reports of the 34th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association, Toronto (1998). The border used for this special feature is reproduced from a UNA membership certificate dated 1942.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 2004, No. 52, Vol. LXXII

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