Selfreliance Ukrainian American Credit Union plays key role in Chicago actions

by Theodora Turula

CHICAGO - "Together we are many - we cannot be defeated" is the rallying cry of the "Orange Revolution," the movement to further democracy in Ukraine. It could just as easily be the motto of Ukrainian American credit unions, which believe that working together, we can support relatives and friends in Ukraine achieve their dream of a free nation, and help our Ukrainian diaspora community to prosper.

On Saturday, December 4, the Decision 2004 Committee of Chicago, chaired by Dr. Yuri Melnyk, organized a rally in Pioneer Court, adjacent to the Tribune Tower, in support of the Orange Revolution in Ukraine. Selfreliance Ukrainian American Federal Credit Union played an integral part in preparations for this event. The credit union provided space at its facility for organizers to prepare for the rally and buses to transport Ukrainian Village residents, young and old, to Pioneer Court.

Selfreliance Ukrainian American FCU cancelled fees for wire transfers to Ukraine so members can more easily send funds to their families. Two accounts were opened at Selfreliance Ukrainian American FCU at the Chicago office for contributions that are being channeled to Ukraine in support of the Orange Revolution. As of December 14, over $356,000 has been contributed to accounts Nos. 104040 and 104015; of this amount $285,000 has been transferred to Ukraine as humanitarian aid through Our Ukraine. A detailed report of all contributors to and disbursements from these accounts will be prepared. Ukrainian credit unions in the U.S. and Canada are actively supporting the democratic efforts and should be contacted individually to determine how each institution can transfer money to the effort in Ukraine.

Students of the local "Ridna Shkola" and other schools of Ukrainian studies participated in the rally, marching with signs and energetically chanting the campaign slogan and the last name of the reform candidate for president, Viktor Yushchenko.

Selfreliance Ukrainian American FCU President Bohdan Watral chaired the Chicago gathering, assuring the attendees that "Working together, united, Ukraine will succeed in its quest for freedom. It will continue to flourish as a country with equality, liberty and freedom for all and serve as a beacon of democracy for all of Central Europe."

Dr. Yuri Melnyk, one of the chief organizers of the rally, delivered an impassioned call to all freedom-loving people to support the actions of the people of Ukraine in their efforts toward greater democracy. The rally was attended by a number of Chicago politicians, and was the subject of newscasts and articles by all the major Chicago area print and broadcast outlets that evening and the following day. Selfreliance posted information on the rally and information about the situation in Ukraine on its sister website: UkrainianChicago.Com.

The Ukrainian National Association of Savings and Credit Unions appealed to the residents of Kyiv to help by providing accommodations for credit union members participating in the rally in Kyiv, realizing it is important to make certain that the voice of the people is heard and that their votes count. Selfreliance's sister website, UkrainianChicago.Com also provided information for wire transfers whereby Ukrainian citizens can provide financial support to the movement in their own country.

A declaration of support from UNASCU's administration is also posted on the UNASCU website. President Petro Kozinets called on the Supreme Court of Ukraine to invalidate the results of the second round of elections, stating that although credit unions, as financial institutions, have traditionally maintained neutrality in political issues, the current situation, with serious and indisputable doubts raised as to the validity of the electoral process, could lead to destabilization of the financial sector, of which credit unions are an integral part. UNASCU has 133 member-credit unions representing all regions of Ukraine, with 300,000 members and over 200 million UAH (nearly $40 million U.S.) in assets.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 2004, No. 52, Vol. LXXII

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