FOR THE RECORD: Statement by Rep. Andrews

Following is the text of a December 17 statement on developments in Ukraine by Rep. Robert E. Andrews (D-N.J.)

After weeks of unrest, the citizens of Ukraine have emerged victorious in their call for justice. Recent developments have been both promising and severely disturbing, as the Ukrainian Supreme Court annulled the results of the flawed presidential election held last month, and the suspected poisoning of opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko was confirmed. I praise the Ukrainian court for its decisiveness in favor of democracy, and look forward to a peaceful and fair election being held on December 26, 2004. In addition, I call upon the authorities in Ukraine to ensure that a thorough investigation is conducted to determine the details of Mr. Yushchenko's poisoning.

This election has tested both the Ukrainian people and their political system, and it has been proven that, without question, this former Soviet republic has embraced the ideals of democracy. In calling for their civic rights to be respected and upheld, the citizens of Ukraine have ensured that their voices will be heard, and that they alone shall determine the fate of their nation. I am hopeful that each and every eligible citizen in Ukraine will embrace their right to vote on December 26, and ensure that the will of the people is done.

In addition to ensuring that a free and fair election is held later this month, it is also imperative that the details of Mr. Yushchenko's poisoning be exposed, and those responsible be brought to justice. Democracy must never be undermined by coercion or violence, and a precedent must be set now to ensure that the political system in Ukraine, and throughout the world, is never again manipulated in this manner.

Again, I offer my congratulations and support to the people of Ukraine. Their defense of democracy has been an inspiration to us all.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, December 26, 2004, No. 52, Vol. LXXII

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