Transport minister found shot dead

KYIV - Ukrainian Transport Minister Heorhii Kirpa, 58, was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head at his dacha outside Kyiv on December 27, Ukrainian media reported. A gun and an empty shell were reportedly found near the body. The Procurator General's Office has launched an investigation under a Criminal Code article pertaining to suicide. (RFE/RL Newsline)

SBU denies it poisoned Yushchenko

KYIV - The Security Service of Ukraine (known by its Ukrainian-based acronym as SBU) issued a statement saying it was in no way involved in the deterioration of presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko's health, Interfax reported on December 22. Media reports have suggested that Mr. Yushchenko, who is suffering from dioxin poisoning, might have ingested poison at the dacha of the SBU's deputy head, Volodymyr Satsiuk, on September 5, 2004, where he meet with Mr. Satsiuk and SBU Chief Ihor Smeshko for dinner. (RFE/RL Newsline)

Yushchenko is Man of the Year

KYIV - The Polish weekly Wprost on December 23 named Ukrainian presidential candidate Viktor Yushchenko as Man of Year 2004. Mr. Yushchenko is the second foreigner to be given the title in Poland. He received the honor for "making the largest impact on our reality; for awakening mass consciousness in Ukraine; for reviving the civil movement for democracy; for demonstrating one of the most difficult tasks for a politician - leading a peaceful revolution; for returning Ukraine to Europe; and for reminding Poles about the energy and enthusiasm of the times of the Solidarity movement," Wprost explained. In a congratulatory letter to Mr. Yushchenko, the chief editor of Wprost, Marek Krol, addressed the Our Ukraine leader as Mr. President. (Kyiv Post)

Putin comments on events of 2004

MOSCOW - Summing up his domestic and foreign policies in 2004 at the December 23 year-end press conference in the Kremlin, President Vladimir Putin said the past year was "in general, positive," reported. Talking about the Yukos affair, Putin said that the controversial sale of the company's main production subsidiary, Yuganskneftegaz, was done by "absolutely market methods." He added: "Using absolutely legal methods, the state is today securing its interests. I believe it quite normal." Turning to foreign policy, President Putin criticized the West for its "double standards" and questioned the fairness of Western-sponsored elections in Afghanistan and Kosovo, and forthcoming elections in Iraq. He also sharply criticized Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski's statement about the Russian role in the Ukrainian election. "In my opinion, it is not very appropriate for the head of state, our neighbor, to make comments on another country's policy. We'll pay attention to what has been said," ITAR-TASS quoted Mr. Putin as saying. Looking to 2005, the President Putin said that next year Russia will concentrate on fighting terrorism and on strengthening its political system. (RFE/RL Newsline)

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 2, 2005, No. 1, Vol. LXXIII

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