Highlights from the UNA's 110-year history

A special yearlong feature focusing on the history of the Ukrainian National Association.

The most recent convention of the Ukrainian National Association took place on May 24-28, 2002, in Chicago. For the 35th Convention, as is traditional, convention organizers prepared a Commemorative Journal that included greetings from dignitaries, articles about the host city, and messages from various commu-

nity organization and institutions, as well as individuals and businesses.

At the beginning of the volume there were greetings from two presidents: George W. Bush of the United States and Leonid Kuchma of Ukraine.

President Bush wrote, in part: "Our nation is strong not only because we share a collective experience as Americans, but also because we cherish the many cultures that have shaped our values, ideas and traditions. Americans of Ukrainian descent have played a remarkable role in our history, and we are a more dynamic country because of their contributions.

"I commend the Ukrainian National Association for providing services that improve your members' quality of life ... Your efforts help individuals and families to prosper and add to the strength of our nation."

President Kuchma hailed the UNA as "an organization that, despite its vast distance from Ukraine, through the centuries has nurtured the belief in the existence and undying nature of the Ukrainian nation, our language and culture."

"In Ukraine we highly value the significant contributions of the Ukrainian National Association to the development of our young state via the provision of humanitarian aid, and the realization of numerous educational-cultural projects," Mr. Kuchma continued. He added that Ukraine also appreciates the UNA's "activity in promoting and defending the interests of Ukraine" and "supporting the development of Ukrainian-American relations."

Source: Commemorative Journal of the 35th Convention of the Ukrainian National Association, Chicago (2002). The border used for this special feature is reproduced from a UNA membership certificate dated 1942.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 2, 2005, No. 1, Vol. LXXIII

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