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January 5, 1997

In 1997, in a special message to "our brothers and sisters abroad," President Leonid Kuchma thanked Ukrainians of the diaspora for "decades of work at the time of the Iron Curtain's existence that created a positive posture toward Ukraine" and five years earlier resulted in speedy recognition of its independence.

Addressing his fellow Ukrainians around the world just over five years since Ukraine declared its independence and then confirmed that independence by a nationwide referendum, the president stated: "Fate has scattered us around the world, to various corners of our planet. But all of you are close and dear to us, because we and you are sons and daughters of one mother, Ukraine."

In the letter dated December 28, 1997, the president wrote: "No matter how diverse our everyday concerns, plans and hopes may be, we nurture one mutual hope and goal: we are building a free, independent and developed Ukraine, a strong democratic European state. Each of us has a contribution to this cause; each of those contributions is valuable and essential."

Mr. Kuchma underlined that the diaspora's activity is particularly evident in "opening Ukraine and Ukrainians to those countries that became your second homelands, as you spurred the development of bilateral ties and promoted Ukrainian interests."

The president continued:

"The past five years were difficult. But, on the path to defeating the burdensome legacy of the past and taking their difficult first steps, the people of Ukraine felt the support of their brothers and sisters abroad. You sincerely sympathized with us when we encountered problems, you helped us correct our mistakes and you rejoiced over our victories. 1996 is marked by one of the most important victories: the adoption of the Constitution of Ukraine, which codified our achievements in the process of state-building, delineated further steps in its development and became the fundamental consolidating factor of our society.

"I want to sincerely thank all of you, dear countrymen in the U.S.A. and Canada, Great Britain and Australia, France and Germany, Brazil and Argentina, Russia and Poland, in all countries, on all continents, for your support - both moral and material - your sincerity, your mutual concern about the fate of Ukraine and your active participation in creating its future."

Source: "Kuchma thanks diaspora for support," The Ukrainian Weekly, January 5, 1997, Vol. LXV, No. 1

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 2, 2005, No. 1, Vol. LXXIII

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