Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine plans to publish anthology of literature

by Wolodymyr Wolowodiuk

One of the goals of the Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine (CCAU) is to raise the national consciousness, especially among Ukraine's youth. To this end, CCAU published many books that found their way to students of kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and universities and many libraries.

Prominent among these publications were two readers-anthologies of Ukrainian literature, the first "Ukrainske Slovo," a four-volume edition that encompassed literature of the 20th century and the second "Zolote Slovo," a two-volume edition with literature of the middle ages.

Now CCAU is preparing to fill a void, by publishing a four-volume (800 pages in each volume) reader-anthology of Ukrainian literature of the Renaissance and Baroque eras (from the middle of the 15th to the end of the 18th centuries). It will be titled "Slovo Mnohotsinne."

Recognizing the role that CCAU played in the past 13 years in projects to aid reborn Ukraine, Ukrainian credit unions and the Spadshchyna Foundation generously met the call for funds. But CCAU at this time is still short of funds and unable to publish all four volumes. It now seeks funds from all who cherish the newly reborn Ukraine and recognize the work of CCAU in raising the national consciousness of Ukraine's citizens.

Please respond to this article by sending your contribution to CCAU, 66 Susan Drive, Chatham, NJ 07928-1050.

The names of contributors will be recognized in the press. Contributions to the CCAU are exempt from federal income tax.

Wolodymyr Wolowodiuk is president of the Coordinating Committee to Aid Ukraine.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 2, 2005, No. 1, Vol. LXXIII

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