FOR THE RECORD: UACC greets Yushchenko

Following is the text of a letter sent on December 29 by the Ukrainian American Coordinating Council to Viktor Yushchenko, president-elect of Ukraine.

Dear Mr. President:

The Ukrainian American Coordinating Council, which represents a large segment of the Ukrainian community in the U.S.A., received the news of your election as the president of Ukraine with great joy! At last truth and democracy have triumphed in Ukraine. The people have risen up to defend their rights. A new era in the history of Ukraine has opened up and a new day in Ukraine's bright future has dawned.

It gives us the greatest pleasure to be able to congratulate you on this wonderful occasion. We wish you renewed good health, strength, energy and fortitude for this most responsible of all positions. Slava Ukraini!

With our sincerest good wishes and deepest respect,

For the UACC Executive Committee:
Ihor Gawdiak, president
Dr. Roman Baranowskyj, secretary

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 9, 2005, No. 2, Vol. LXXIII

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