Northern New Jersey District Committee holds fall organizing meeting

PARSIPPANY, N.J. - The Northern New Jersey District Committee of the Ukrainian National Association held its fall organizing meeting here at the UNA Corporate Headquarters building on Friday, November 5, 2004.

Present at the meeting were 13 representatives of eight of the district's 16 UNA branches, as well as National Secretary Christine E. Kozak, who represented the UNA Executive Committee.

The meeting was chaired by District Chairman Stephan Welhasch, who reported that 2004 was more successful for the Northern New Jersey District in terms of organizing activity. The district's members sold 36 policies - the second highest number among all UNA districts, for a total amount of $973,000 in insurance coverage. The district was second also in terms of the amount of life insurance coverage sold and met 36 percent of its annual quota.

Mr. Welhasch also noted that the district had organized a bus trip to Soyuzivka for the annual Father's Day events at the UNA resort. The district's activists also manned UNA information tables at the Verkhovyna Youth Festival, at the St. John's Parish Festival in Newark, N.J., at Connecticut's Ukrainian Day in Stamford and at the Ukrainian Festival in Baltimore.

National Secretary Kozak began her remarks with a focus on new ways to publicize the UNA, as well as its activities and services. She also spoke about new UNA insurance plans and described the various plans now offered by the fraternal organization.

Ms. Kozak also spoke about UNA affairs in general, including developments at Soyuzivka, which has reported an increase in revenue this year, as well as about community interest in the proposed condominiums at the resort.

Mr. Welhasch concluded the meeting by addressing the issue of planning for the upcoming months. He asked all district members to submit their ideas for district activities and events, and especially sought their input on how to promote the UNA among new immigrants from Ukraine.

Refreshments were served at the conclusion of the discussion period.

Young UNA'ers

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 9, 2005, No. 2, Vol. LXXIII

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