Message of condolences from U.S. Embassy in Kyiv

Following is the text of a message of condolences issued on January 11 by the United States Embassy in Ukraine in reaction to the deaths of eight Ukrainian peacekeepers in Iraq following an explosion on January 9.

The U.S. Embassy expresses deepest condolences on the death in Iraq of eight Ukrainian peacekeepers, and the wounding of six others, in a munitions explosion on January 9. We join the families and Ukrainian people in mourning the ultimate sacrifice of Lt. Col. Oleh Matizhev, Capt. Yuri Zagrai, Capt. Serhiy Andrushchenko, Capt. Valeriy Brazhevskiy, Senior Warrant Officer Volodymyr Sedoi, Warrant Officer Oleksandr Katsarskiy, Senior Sgt. Andriy Sitnykov and Senior Sgt. Vira Petryk in the cause of a freer and more secure world. We wish those who were injured a rapid recovery.

Our sincerest gratitude and deepest sympathy go out to the brave soldiers' families, to the Ukrainian government and to the Ukrainian people in their time of loss. All who cherish freedom can only express our sincerest appreciation for the peacekeepers' efforts in a just and noble cause.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 16, 2005, No. 2, Vol. LXXIII

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