
An unfortunate transcription/translation error improperly rendered the word "Swedish" as "Swiss" in the article headlined "Flag of Hetman Bohdan Khmelnytsky on exhibit in National Historical Museum."

Below are the pertinent sentences in the story as they should have appeared:

"According to Dr. Yuriy Savchyk, a professor of history at Ukraine's National Academy of Sciences, the flag came to Stockholm as a trophy during the second Swedish-Polish War (1655-1660) with many other Zaporozhian flags and was mentioned together with the trophy list of Swedish royalty in 1685. Dr. Savchyk, who has been studying flags of the Zaporozhian Sich in cooperation with Swiss specialists for 10 years, said the flag is made of flax - white with crimson borders - and is colored with natural pigments. The flag is about four feet wide and nine feet long, trimmed diagonally at the end."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 30, 2005, No. 5, Vol. LXXIII

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