Kuropas column was a standout

Dear Editor:

In any column of Dr. Myron B. Kuropas we have come to take for granted interesting information and insightful analyses articulated in erudite English. His January 9 column "Anti-Orange Oracles," however, managed to exceed even these usual high standards. It stands out as a real winner.

In that column, Dr. Kuropas gathered the opinions of those naysayers who tried to inject notes of dissonance into the worldwide chorus of praise and admiration for Ukraine's Orange Revolution. With pedagogic skill he divided them into three distinct groups - opportunists, the misinformed and ideologues - and then proceeded to deflate their pro-Russian and Ukrainophobe positions in a manner that seemed both effortless and effective.

Among those on the receiving end of Dr. Kuropas's punches was Patrick Buchanan, the well-known political figure and columnist who recently has unexpectedly adopted an anti-Ukrainian orientation.

I hope Mr. Buchanan gets to read the January 9 column by Dr. Kuropas, and not only for the sake of its political arguments. As a wordsmith, Mr. Buchanan would certainly enjoy the delightful elegance of Dr. Kuropas's language and style, which would be the envy of any mainstream media maven.

"Distressed, disturbed and dumbfounded" is how Dr. Kuropas characterized opponents of the Orange Revolution. Love that alliteration, Dr. Kuropas - keep it coming!

Dr. Orest Popovych
Howell, N.J.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 30, 2005, No. 5, Vol. LXXIII

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