INAUGURATION CEREMONY: The president's address to the Rada

Following is the text of President Viktor Yushchenko's address at the inauguration ceremony in the Verkhovna Rada on January 23. Source:

Holy fathers, honorable head of the Verkhovna Rada, esteemed national deputies, honored guests and dear friends. For the first time I am speaking from this rostrum as the president of Ukraine. Until now I have had the honor of standing behind this rostrum as the head of the National Bank of Ukraine, as prime minister of Ukraine, as leader of the Our Ukraine faction of the current convocation. In this place I pronounced sweet and bitter words, experienced sadness and joyous moments. And every time I ascended to the parliamentary rostrum as if onto scaffolding because I wished my every word to strengthen our large home - democratic and independent Ukraine.

I am happy that my work was in vain. It added to the work of my political brothers in arms, to the work of our Parliament, to the work of the people of Ukraine, to the work of every citizen. I think this is exactly a case when we are building the wall and the wall is building us.

Today's event has proven once more that the Ukrainian nation and the Ukrainian state have come through. The citizens of Ukraine have secured an honest election, and the transfer of government has been legitimate. This is a tremendous national victory.

Built with millions of Ukrainian hands, democracy has withstood the test of strength; the Verkhovna Rada, too, has passed a difficult test. In a time of ordeal it has found strength to come to the aid of justice. The Parliament was together with its people, supported its desires and hopes.

You, esteemed national deputies, have defended Ukrainian democracy, defended unity, the sovereignty and independence of our Ukraine.

Sincere gratitude goes out to you for that.

Sincere gratitude goes out to every national deputy present in this hall.

I would like to extend my hand to you today. I would like to shake hands with every national deputy, every faction and every faction leader and to call all of you to cooperation.

We have a common goal - a prosperous and democratic Ukraine. I am convinced that Ukraine is above everything else for every national deputy in this hall. This is a good object of our common labor.

I am convinced that our work, dear friends, will continue. Together we are to work with the people and for the people.

On this day, dear friends, I am looking for a way for us to be among the people. I am inviting all the national deputies, guests, friends, all of you present in this hall to come to the maidan upon the closing of this session. I would like to share my oath, taken in this building, with the people. I am calling on every one of you: let us join the people. They are waiting for us; let us be together!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 30, 2005, No. 5, Vol. LXXIII

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