STATE RECEPTION: President Yushchenko's address to foreign leaders

Following is the text of the address by President Viktor Yushchenko at the state reception held on the occasion of his assumption of the office of the president of Ukraine. The reception took place at the Mariinskyi Palace on January 23. Source:

Your Excellencies!

Respected heads and representatives of foreign states and international organizations!

Allow me to welcome you as the new president of Ukraine on the behalf of the people of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian democratic revolution of the year 2004 was victorious thanks to the unconquerable power of the people, united by the ideals of freedom, democracy, human rights and sovereignty.

On these days, when our people celebrate their victory and the historic unification of the eastern and western regions of Ukraine into a single state, we can say the following with pride:

Your Excellencies! Allow me, on the behalf of the people of Ukraine, to thank you and your nations for the tremendous support in our struggle for democracy, justice and progress. We are now ready to contribute to global cooperation.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, January 30, 2005, No. 5, Vol. LXXIII

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