UCCA delegation meets Tymoshenko, participates in inaugural festivities

by Tamara Gallo Olexy
Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

NEW YORK - On the invitation of the Organizational Committee of the Inauguration of the President of Ukraine, several leaders and members of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) arrived in Kyiv on January 21 to participate in the inauguration of President Viktor Yushchenko.

Among them were Michael Sawkiw Jr., president; Marie Duplak, executive secretary; and Roksolana Stojko-Lozynskyj, member of the UCCA Executive Board. Within the framework of inaugural festivities, the UCCA members took part in the inaugural ceremonies that took place on Sunday, January 23, on Independence Square along with approximately 1 million Ukrainian citizens.

While in Ukraine, members of the UCCA delegation on January 24 met and congratulated Yulia Tymoshenko on her appointment as the acting prime minister of Ukraine. "In her office, we were greeted by a smiling, vibrant woman, on whose shoulders lies the immense responsibility of building the future of Ukraine, the country she loves so much. She embraced us as old friends," commented Ms. Duplak. The UCCA delegation discussed ways of strengthening U.S.-Ukraine cooperation in the near future, and the role of the Ukrainian American community in these relations.

"I was struck by Acting Prime Minister Tymoshenko's attention to transparency in government, as well as her stated commitment to developing and supporting small and medium businesses in Ukraine and of her recognition of the necessity of bringing Ukraine's legal structures up to European standards," said Ms. Stojko-Lozynskyj. "Further, I was heartened by the acting PM's support of the diaspora as critical to Ukraine's future success."

Ms. Tymoshenko underscored that the presence of a large number of international elections observers had played a significant role in ensuring free and democratic election and stated that Ukraine will conduct new parliamentary elections in March 2006, which will be critically important in terms of new democratic reforms.

The UCCA board members informed Ms. Tymoshenko about UCCA activities and its upcoming business forum in New York City in March, to which government officials of the new Ukrainian administration, as well as the business community in Ukraine, will be invited as participants. Ms. Tymoshenko expressed keen interest in the planned forum. "I want to thank you for your continuous work to benefit our Ukraine, our people," concluded the acting prime minister.

Earlier that day, the UCCA delegation also held a meeting with Borys Tarasyuk, a member of the Parliament of Ukraine and chairman of its Committee on European Integration. The discussion centered on issues of cooperation between the new Ukrainian administration with Ukrainian diaspora, and prospects for U.S.-Ukraine relations in the nearest future, especially regarding issues such as graduation from the Jackson-Vanik amendment, recognition of Ukraine as a market economy, and increased trade and investment opportunities. At the end of the meeting, which lasted over an hour, Mr. Tarasyuk expressed profound gratitude to the international election observers who participated in the presidential election in Ukraine as part of the UCCA delegation in various regions of the country.

The UCCA delegation members were guests at the inaugural concert at the Ukraina Palance concert hall and the "Black Tie and Orange Ball" in honor of President Yushchenko and his wife, Kateryna, which was held at the Ukrainian Home. During the ceremony, the UCCA members had a chance to congratulate the new president, wishing him health, fortitude and success in his work for the benefit of independent Ukraine.

Witnessing the multitudes of people in Independence Square in Kyiv, Mr. Sawkiw reflected: "This is a new independence day for Ukraine as these people stood in this square for weeks on end, holding out hope for a true democratic electoral process. This inaugural day is about Viktor Yushchenko, the Ukrainian people and their resilient spirit to overcome adversity."

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 6, 2005, No. 6, Vol. LXXIII

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