UNIS is organizing Ukrainian Days in D.C.

by Serhiy Zhykharev
Ukrainian National Information Service

WASHINGTON - Following a successful "Ukrainian Days" advocacy program last year in Washington, and building upon the current mainstream enthusiasm regarding the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS) is organizing Ukrainian Days in Washington on March 2-3.

The intent of Ukrainian Days is to promote the concerns of the Ukrainian American community, as well as to establish better contacts with officials in Washington.

The Ukrainian Days agenda will consist of several events. On Wednesday morning, March 2, UNIS will organize presentations by American government officials and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Of particular interest will be a discussion of topics of concern to the community: increased U.S. foreign assistance to Ukraine; graduation from the Jackson-Vanik amendment (permanent normal trade relations) between Ukraine and the United States; market economy status for Ukraine; legislation to construct a monument in Washington to the victims of the Ukrainian Genocide; as well as the overall context of U.S.-Ukraine relations.

In the evening of March 2, a reception will be held at the Embassy of Ukraine, where Ukrainian Days participants will have a chance to meet with Ukrainian diplomats and discuss their ideas regarding U.S.-Ukraine relations.

On Thursday morning, March 3, participants of Ukrainian Days will partake in a breakfast meeting with members of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus (CUC), an officially registered group of the U.S. House of Representatives that is interested in enhancing relations between Ukraine and the United States.

CUC representatives will discuss issues such as: the commemoration the 1932-1933 Ukrainian Genocide, as well as constructing a memorial to its victims; awarding a federal charter to the Ukrainian American Veterans (UAV) organization; U.S. foreign assistance programs to Ukraine; permanent normal trade relations status for Ukraine; and overall relations with Ukraine, especially in context of the recent Orange Revolution. Briefing papers on various topics will be supplied to the participants by UNIS.

During their two days in Washington participants will meet with their corresponding members of the House of Representatives and Senate in order to communicate to them the issues that concern the Ukrainian American community.

For further information, as well as hotel accommodations, readers may contact UNIS at (202) 547-0018 or [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 13, 2005, No. 7, Vol. LXXIII

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