Winnipeg doctor to be honored

WINNIPEG - The Catholic Foundation of Manitoba board of directors has awarded the 2005 Caritas Award to Dr. Jaroslaw Barwinsky of Winnipeg. Dr. Barwinsky will be honored at the 27th annual Caritas Award Dinner to be held on Tuesday, April 12, at the Winnipeg Convention Center.

Dr. Barwinsky was born on October 15, 1926, in Ukraine. In 1948 the family immigrated to Canada and settled in Winnipeg. In 1955, he graduated with the degree of doctor of medicine and was accepted by the department of surgery, University of Manitoba, as a resident for further post-graduate studies in surgery.

Since then, Dr. Barwinsky has become a teacher, a writer, a community leader and a leader in the medical community. As a distinguished surgeon he set a record of having personally performed over 5,500 surgical operations.

Dr. Barwinsky has received many awards and honors throughout the world. He is a great Canadian citizen who cherishes his roots and love of Ukrainian culture and heritage. His service to the community and his contribution to the field of medicine are exceptional, noted the foundation.

The Catholic Foundation of Manitoba is an incorporated body dedicated to administrating funds held in trust for religious, educational and cultural purposes. The foundation's objectives are to provide for the needy, to better the situation of the underprivileged, to promote educational advancement and scientific research, and to promote the cultural life of the province of Manitoba.

For more information readers may contact the Catholic Foundation of Manitoba, (204) 233-4268, e-mail, [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 13, 2005, No. 7, Vol. LXXIII

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