2004 UNA organizing results

by Christine E. Kozak
UNA National Secretary

Annually, the Ukrainian National Association recognizes and awards branch secretaries and/or organizers who have achieved a certain level of excellence in selling UNA life insurance products and annuities for the previous year. It is their hard work, persistence and dedication that have brought positive results for the UNA in 2004.

At the end of the year 2004, the UNA saw an upturn in production of new business. The total number of life policies sold for 2004 was 385. This is an increase over 2003. New UNA members insured their lives for a total of $8,541,062 in face amount with total annual premiums of $153,528. The most popular plan purchased by our members is the 20-payment life policy. This plan is a permanent whole life product, has a cash value that increases throughout the life of the policy and is paid up after 20 annual payments.

Likewise, the issue of UNA annuities for 2004 totaled $1,850,000 in first-year premiums collected. UNA annuities continue to offer excellent interest rates in both the short- and long-term contract. The five-year annuity offering a 4.5 percent interest rate was the most popular in 2004.

We here at the UNA realize life insurance is not a hotly discussed topic; it is not a popular topic and certainly not an easy product to sell. That is why it is such a pleasure to say thank you to all who have joined our winning team. We sing the praises of all those hard-working secretaries and organizers who through their efforts have helped many families in their communities and the UNA.

Among the top organizers in 2004 were four members of the UNA General Assembly: First Vice-President Martha Lysko, and Advisors Joseph Hawryluk, Myron Pylypiak and Stefan Hawrysz.

The UNA evaluates secretaries/organizers and/or agent production by various criteria: total amount of premiums collected for life insurance, total face amount of life insurance sold, total number of policies issued, and total first-year premiums collected for annuities.

The UNA is happy to announce the names of the UNA's top five organizers for total amount of premiums collected for life insurance:

The top five organizers with the largest face amounts of life insurance sold are:

The top five organizers by largest number of policies sold:

The top five producers for total first- year premiums collected for annuities:

Qualifying for the 2004 "Club of UNA Builders" are:

Qualifying for the 2004 "Club of Dedicated UNA'ers" are:

Each and every UNA policy sold is an important policy. Every organizer or branch secretary, whether he/she sells five policies a year or 50 policies a year should take pride in helping the UNA increase its membership roster. As the UNA's membership increases, will become more possible for the UNA to further increase its member benefits.

Keeping this in mind, the UNA sponsored a fourth quarter sales blitz, the "UNA National Life Insurance Awareness Drive 2004." Top honors for this first time sales contest are awarded to Luba Streletsky, secretary of Branch 10, Philadelphia District. The sales contest was based on a point system with a goal of 25 or more points for the top prize of $1,000. Mrs. Streletsky scored 51 points in the short three-month period. Thank you, Luba, and congratulations for an exceptional job well done.

The UNA would also like to acknowledge the top three individuals who collected the most premiums for the year 2004, life and annuities combined:

Congratulations for a superb job!

On behalf of the UNA Executive Committee, I would like to express our gratitude to all organizers and secretaries who participated in selling UNA products for the year 2004. You are most definitely an asset to this fine organization. Yours is not an easy task. However, you stood up to the challenge and had a successful year. Only through your continued participation can the UNA continue to grow, expand and thrive for the next generation.

And I would be remiss not to acknowledge the most important component of the UNA, and that is the membership of the UNA. A special thank you to all of the UNA supporters, who through their purchase of a UNA life insurance policy or annuity, support this great Ukrainian organization. Congratulations on making a wise decision for yourselves, your families and our community.

Once again, I challenge all UNA secretaries and organizers to go out into your communities and help ensure the UNA for future generations. Insure your family members, your friends and your communities. We need you! We need your help, and we need your commitment.

2004 Achieved Membership by District

District Policy count Face amount Quota Quota achieved %
Albany 22 390,000.00 32 68.75
Allentown 2 15,000.00 30 6.67
Baltimore 6 78,000.00 20 30
Boston 1 10,000.00 10 10
Buffalo 9 200,000.00 17 52.94
Central NJ 7 178,000.00 30 23.33
Chicago 14 135,000.00 15 93.33
Cleveland 61 871,000.00 25 244
Connecticut 25 310,000.00 40 62.5
Detroit 25 273,000.00 50 50
Minneapolis 2 10,000.00 10 20
Montreal 4 64,000.00 15 26.67
New York 15 532,000.00 95 15.79
Niagara 4 39,000.00 7 57.14
Northern NJ 54 1,579,000.00 100 54
Philadelphia 47 2,210,000.00 140 33.57
Pittsburgh 30 549,062.00 32 93.75
Rochester 6 40,000.00 18 33.33
Shamokin 11 152,000.00 45 24.44
Syracuse 5 185,000.00 35 14.29
Toronto 4 45,000.00 23 17.39
Various 31 676,000.00 60 51.67
Winnipeg 0 .00 5 0
Final Total 385 8541062 854 0.45

UNA Organizers Active in 2004

Organizer's Name (Branch)
Streletsky, Lubov
Brodyn, Christine
Pylypiak, Myron
Woch, Steven
Bilchuk, Nina
Staruch, Longin
Kaploun, Valia
Welhasch, Stephan
Hawryluk, Joseph B.
Trytjak, Oksana
Lysko, Martha
Kuzio, Myron
Maruszczak, Olga
Chabon, Joseph
Komichak, Jaroslawa
Salabay, Nadia
Matiash, Eli
Hawrysz, Stefan
Hawryluk, Stephanie
Shewchuk, Paul
Oscislawski, Eugene
Platosz, Adam
Grabinski, James
Romanyshyn, Basil
Fil, Nicholas
Szmagala Jr., Taras
Holubec, Zenon M.
Diakiwsky, Nicholas
Pastuszek, William
Lawrin, Alexandra M.
Krywyj, Vira
Doboszczak, Bohdan
Grant, Joseph J.
Dziuba, Christine
Savasta, Guy M.
Fedorijczuk, George B.
Pytel, Petro
Horbaty, Gloria
Lonyszyn, Sophie
Fedorijczuk, Jolanta
Dolnycky, Alexandra
Gabos Jr., Charles W.
Kuropas, Roman J.
Boyd, Barbara O.
Milanytch, Motria
Shumylo, Lyubov
Trojan, Myroslaw
Lischak, Maria V.
Maryniuk, Andrew
Kovalchuk, John
Leshchyshyn, Peter
Felenchak, Michael P.
Serba, Peter
Kotch, Joyce
Turko, Michael S.
Kozicky, Walter
Groch, Myron
Podoliuk, Bohdan A,
Bolosky, Mary
Shuya, Natalie
Burij, Anna
Demczur, Nadia
Markus, Oksana
Krywulych, Walter
Karachewsky, Helen
Borovitcky, Annabelle
Bachynsky, Barbara
Tatarsky, Helen
Sawkiw, Maria
Bohdan, Michael W.
Hawrylciw, Peter
Blazofsky, Maryann
Guglik, Julie
Karkoc, Michael
Kis, Mykola
Luchkiw, Vasyl
Poletz, Alexander
Pryjma, Irene
Shean, Michael
Bezkorowajny, Cyril M.
Slovik, Helen
Skyba, Andrij
Moroz, Tekla
Auria, Rodney
Hentosh, Marguerite
Petryk, Fedir
Kuropas, Stefko
Majkut, Stephania
Zaviysky, Yaroslav
(171), (777)
(15), (171)







Woonsocket community welcomes St. Nicholas

WOONSOCKET, R.I. - The parish hall of St. Michael Ukrainian Catholic Church here was the site on December 5, 2004, of the presentation of a Nativity scene and a visit from St. Nicholas. Playing key roles in the presentation were Dr. Bohdan Kusma, Marko Tkach and Camilla Bobiak; Dr. Lydia Klufas-Tkach prepared the programs. Parish children portrayed the three wise men, the angels and other characters. Janet Bardell, secretary-treasurer of Ukrainian National Association Branch 241, represented both her branch and the parish's Ladies Sodality. Msgr. Roman Golemba and Katherine Klowan, joined by the guests at the event, led the singing. Gifts were presented to the children, and a luncheon was enjoyed by all.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 20, 2005, No. 8, Vol. LXXIII

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