U.S. statement on assistance to Ukraine via NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund

Following is the text of a U.S. State Department statement on the NATO project to destroy excess Ukrainian weapons stocks. The statement was delivered by department spokesman Richard Boucher on February 18.

The United States is pleased to announce the launch of a NATO Partnership for Peace Trust Fund project to help Ukraine destroy stockpiles of excess munitions, small arms and light weapons, and Man-Portable Air Defense Systems. This represents the largest partnership trust fund project ever undertaken by NATO, and responds to Ukraine's request for help in eliminating 1.5 million small arms and light weapons, and 133,000 tons of munitions. These stockpiles, some of which date from the Soviet era, are a threat to public safety and the environment and a potential proliferation risk. The four-phase project will span 12 years and cost approximately $27 million in donor contributions.

The United States will lead Phase 1 of the NATO Trust Fund project, which will cost donors over $8.5 million. Ukraine will provide most of the operational and in-kind demilitarization costs. The project is due to start as soon as the spring of 2005. As the lead nation for Phase 1, the U.S. will make an initial contribution of $1,642,000.

The U.S. welcomes broader international support for the project, and will be working with potential donor countries and organizations, including outside the Partnership for Peace framework. We welcome early pledges of 400,000 pounds from the United Kingdom and 240,000 euros from Norway.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, February 27, 2005, No. 9, Vol. LXXIII

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