President Bush meets with champions of freedom in Bratislava

BRATISLAVA, Slovakia - U.S. President George W. Bush met with 21 "Champions of Freedom" from 13 Central and Eastern European countries, including Ukraine, during his visit to Bratislava, Slovakia, on February 24.

The group included Natalia Dmytruk, a sign language interpreter for UT-1, who is credited with helping galvanize independent media coverage of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential elections, and Vladyslav Kaskiv, a leader of Pora, a pro-democracy movement in Ukraine.

Speaking in Hviezdoslavovo Square in Bratislava on February 24, President Bush said "With us here today is a group of remarkable men and women from across Central and Eastern Europe, who have fought freedom's fight in their homelands and have earned the respect of the world. We welcome you. We thank you for your example, for your courage and for your sacrifice."

A White House press release describes the contributions of Ms. Dmytruk and Mr. Kaskiv as follows.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 13, 2005, No. 11, Vol. LXXIII

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