Quotable notes

"... Freedom is spreading: from the villages of Afghanistan to the squares in Ukraine, from the streets in the Palestinian territories to the streets of Georgia, to the polling stations of Iraq.

"Freedom defines our opportunity and our challenge. It is a challenge that we are determined to meet. ...

"How could you not be impressed with the Rose Revolution in Georgia and the Orange Revolution in Ukraine, and the Palestinian people going to elect a leader who says that it is time to give up the armed Intifadah and live in peace with Israel? And how could you not be impressed by the Afghans, really, in a very underdeveloped society standing along dusty roads to vote where women who used to hide their faces and couldn't even have medical care without a male relative; and now they stand and they vote and they run for office? And how could you not be impressed with the Iraqi people and their facing down fear?

"So much is changing in our world. So much is changing in the Middle East. And if we, in this great alliance, put our values and our efforts and our resources to work on behalf of this great cause, we've only just begun to see what freedom can achieve."

- Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, speaking in Paris on February 8.

"...About Ukraine, I was receiving President [Viktor] Yushchenko. You know I supported him very much. Even before when he was in a position, I received him in another capacity. And we have a great, great admiration for his role and we fully support democratic Ukraine.

"So I said, and I believe that the future of Ukraine is in Europe, but now the journey is not for [the] European Union membership. We have the European Union's Neighbor policy. It's a very ambitious program, very ambitious program, that includes the liberalization, trade liberalization, assistance, political cooperation, harmonization of standards in all issues."

- European Commission President José Manuel Barroso speaking in Brussels on February 9 at a joint appearance with U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice and European Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 13, 2005, No. 11, Vol. LXXIII

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