UHRC meets with members of Congress

WASHINGTON - Members of the Philadelphia-based Ukrainian Human Rights Committee recently traveled to Washington in the aftermath of the Orange Revolution to meet with elected officials in order to urge them to support Ukraine in its efforts to foster democracy and create a free market economy. UHRC members met with co-chairs of the Congressional Ukrainian Caucus, Reps. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) and Curt Weldon (R-Pa.) and asked them to work to increase U.S. foreign assistance to Ukraine. Rep. Kaptur shared her experiences in visiting the tent city on Kyiv's Independence Square, while Rep. Weldon commented that it is time the provisions of the Jackson-Vanik amendment be revoked in regard to Ukraine. The UHRC also met with Rep. Charles Dent (R-Pa.), a newly elected member of Congress who represents the Lehigh Valley region, and his legislative director, Peter Richards. The UHRC emphasized the importance of U.S. support for newly inaugurated President Viktor Yushchenko, who is leading Ukraine on a new course of democratization. Seen above (from left) are: Mr. Richards, Ulana Mazurkevich, Rep. Dent and Marta Fedoriw.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 13, 2005, No. 11, Vol. LXXIII

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