Malanka of SUM's Chicago branch presents five debutantes

by Marijka Krutiak

CHICAGO - The Mykola Pavlushkov Branch of the Ukrainian American Youth Association (SUM) in Chicago held its annual New Year's ball, or "Malanka," on Saturday, January 15, at the Chicago Marriott Downtown.

Elegantly dressed guests arrived at 6:30 p.m. for hors d'oeuvres and cocktails in the foyer of the Chicago Room. Friends, both old and new, gathered on the cold January evening to share in the warmth of hope that the New Year brings.

Once the massive carved doors were opened to the beautiful dining room, guests marveled at the ornate chandeliers, sparkling marble floors, and breathtaking tablescapes by Katya Mischenko Floral Designs, as well as beautiful commemorative booklets designed by Olia Korol, that added to the adornment of the table setting.

Andrew Luczak-Glubisz, master of ceremonies, opened the celebration by greeting the 230 dinner guests and explained why this celebration was even more joyous than ever before: Ukrainians all over the world are celebrating the election of Viktor Yushchenko as president of Ukraine. Ukraine would finally take its rightful place alongside other great nations because of the peaceful Orange Revolution, he said.

The highlight of the evening was the presentation of five lovely debutantes, conducted by Kateryna Kulas, choreographer of the debutante presentation, and a counselor in SUM for all of the 2005 debutantes. As they entered the room, guests greeted the proud and beaming parents. Each debutante was individually introduced with a brief description of her accomplishments, extracurricular activities, as well as plans for the future.

The official delicate sash and congratulations were received from the "bulavnyi," Andrij Kosowsky. "zastupnyk bulavnoho," Natalka Kowal; and president of the Mykola Pavlushkov Branch, Mario Kolody. After receiving her sash, each stunning debutante performed a deep and graceful bow. Each escort then provided his young lady with a single perfect red rose, which, in turn, she presented to her mother, creating a most touching and tender moment for all present.

Mr. Kolody greeted all of the guests and their families with warmest wishes for the coming New Year. Congratulating the debutantes, he wished them success as they embark on their path into adulthood. He also thanked members for all their hard work in the completion of many successful events and projects in 2004, and the community for its support.

Ms. Kulas then continued with the program, announcing the father/daughter debutante waltz to the melody of "Vechory v Karpatakh." At the end of this waltz, the spotlight was on the debutantes and their escorts. They delighted guests with another wonderfully choreographed dance, interweaving classical steps with a Ukrainian flavor to a Strauss waltz arranged by Roman Britsky. With a spirited series of dips, twirls and bows, they covered the entire dance floor. The couples were rewarded with extended applause from the guests.

An elegant and delicious dinner was preceded by a prayer led by the Rt. Rev. Ivan Krotec, pastor of Ss. Volodymyr and Olha Parish in Chicago. Guests then enjoyed the rest of the evening, dancing to the sounds of the Zorepad and Impulse bands, both from Chicago.

At the stroke of midnight, New Year favors were brought out, and friends and acquaintances greeted each other with well wishes for 2005.

The Malanka Committee members were: Chairperson Lilia Zaparaniuk, Darka Kusznir-Harrison, Marijka Krutiak, Ms. Kulas, Chrystyna Matkowsky and Angelina Pasika.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 13, 2005, No. 11, Vol. LXXIII

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