Works by Saj and Sochynsky shown in '4 Artists' Views' exhibit

MONTCLAIR, N.J. - Drawing for inspiration on their surroundings, the exhibition "Landscape: 4 Artist's Views" celebrates the ways in which artists translate the world around them using their individual shorthand to capture a specific place and time, be it real or imaginary.

Featured in the exhibition of nearly 40 works is the work of Ukrainian American artists Christina Saj and Ilona Sochynsky of New Jersey and their colleagues Cecile Brunswick and Linda Ippolito.

Ms. Saj's work in this show is represented by mythical landscapes that reinvent spaces alluded to but unvisited, such as "Cyberscape." Ms. Saj holds degrees from the Milton Avery Graduate School for the Arts at Bard College and Sarah Lawrence College. Her work has been widely exhibited in the United States and abroad, and can be found in numerous private and public collections.

Ms. Sochynsky, an award-winnning artist and designer who is a graduate of Rhode Island School of Design and Yale University School of Art, is represented in the exhibit with pastels that describe rural, seaside New Jersey. Ms. Sochynsky has recently completed a collaboration with the Noyes Museum of Art as well as a 46-by-22 foot mural in Atlantic City.

Ms. Brunswick, a Belgian-born abstract painter working in New York City, with a degree from Columbia University in international affairs, is represented in the exhibition by a collection of large, brightly colored works that capture the light and color she associates with Morocco, where she recently completed a residency.

Ms. Ippolito expresses her creative impulse through both food and art, with her mediums including pastry and paint. A graduate of Pratt Institute, as well as Ecole de Notre in Paris, and John Clancy's School of Baking in New York, her portrayals of undisturbed natural landscapes are full of bright natural light; her composite "Passaggio" depicts fragments of a scenic Italian landscape.

The exhibit is on view through April 29 at Artspace 129, Mc Donough Building, 129 Valley Road, in Montclair. For additional information call (973) 964-5310 or contact Ms. Saj at [email protected].

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 20, 2005, No. 12, Vol. LXXIII

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