Celebrating through an 'orange prism'

The Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ will be celebrated in 2005 through an orange prism. Easter - history's most significant event - stands on its own and deserves our undivided attention. Nevertheless, with our human failings, we cannot help but tinge our observances with contemporary matters, particularly those that have left an indelible impression. Fortunately, Our Lord Jesus Christ probably will forgive our lack of concentration. For what transpired over the last year could never have occurred but for the Grace of God. The Resurrection of Our Lord was the precursor for every subsequent triumph.

The pre-Easter (Lenten) and Easter observance is an opportunity to renew our faith and our love. We should use this opportunity to thank Our Lord for his blessings, which had special meaning in the last year. The events "na maidani" [on Independence Square] as well as the smaller "maidany" throughout the world were a clear manifestation of the will of God-loving and pious people intent on forming a society where justice and good would triumph over injustice and evil.

We take this time to reach out to our brothers and sisters in Ukraine and scattered throughout the diaspora. Let our feelings and generosity be felt. Express not only what we feel, but manifest our sentiments with concrete deeds. There is no better time to sacrifice and give to each other. Furthermore, there are so many of God's children who are less fortunate than us. As a nation, let us go forward and concern ourselves with others. The paradigm of the just and good society should be shared with all children of God.

Let us send greetings to the newly elected president of Ukraine, the prime minister and government, and Parliament. Let us commit to supporting their efforts, giving them the opportunity to implement the basic principles of the "maidan," serving the Ukrainian people as honest stewards of their well-being.

Let us seek guidance from our spiritual leaders of all denominations. The Ukrainian Church at all times should stand with the Ukrainian people and serve as the bulwark for what is good and just.

We transmit salutations to the governments of our respective countries and seek their friendship for our people and support for the just and good processes within our ancestral homeland.

Finally, we remit greetings to our constituent organizations and their members. Their work is what enables the Ukrainian diaspora to function as a viable and vibrant entity. We look forward to collaborative efforts in the ensuing years.

Jesus Christ our Savior died on the cross so that we may be saved. His resurrection from the dead symbolized the triumph of our souls, our spirituality, our human essence over evil and channeled our efforts towards good. In our Ukrainian tradition, Easter is perhaps the most symbolic of holy days. May this year's renewed Resurrection of Our Lord signify a lasting resurrection of our land and people.

Christ has risen!

Indeed He has risen!

For the Ukrainian World Congress:
Askold S. Lozynskyj, president
Victor Pedenko, secretary general

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, March 27, 2005, No. 13, Vol. LXXIII

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