From Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian Catholic Church

Following is the text of a statement from Archbishop Stefan Soroka, metropolitan of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States of America, on the occasion of the death of Pope John Paul II. The statement was released on April 4.

The hierarchy, clergy, religious and faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church in the United States of America together mourn the death of our beloved holy father, Pope John Paul II, and offer prayers for the repose of his soul. Memorial liturgies and services will be offered in parishes on the third, ninth and 40th day after death, and on the day of the funeral.

Pope John Paul II enjoyed a special bond of affection and admiration among Ukrainian Catholics in the United States of America and throughout the world. Thousands of faithful, together with their hierarchy, clergy and religious, greeted Pope John Paul II when he visited, in 1979, the Ukrainian Catholic Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception in Philadelphia. The holy father reaffirmed at that time, the strong bond of unity existing between the Ukrainian Catholic Church and the Latin Church. The richness of the traditions of the East and West, expressed by Pope John Paul II as a Church breathing with two lungs, was strongly evident during his visit to Ukraine in 2001. Millions of faithful, together with their hierarchy, clergy and religious, of both the Ukrainian Catholic and Latin Churches in Ukraine enthusiastically greeted the pope in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, and in Lviv in western Ukraine. This visit strengthened the bonds of unity between both Churches, and gave testimony to the tremendous history of martyrdom of the hierarchy, clergy and faithful of the Ukrainian Catholic Church for their Catholic faith.

Pope John Paul II's sensitivity and expressed personal support for the recognition of the Patriarchate of the Ukrainian Catholic Church will be especially remembered by Ukrainian Catholics worldwide. He endeared himself to Ukrainian Catholics by his esteem for the martyrdom of the Ukrainian Catholic Church while underground during Soviet oppression and in his steadfast support of its rebirth after the fall of communism. The holy father played a critical leadership role in the fall of communism.

During his pontificate, numerous encyclicals and pastoral letters were published on various themes of relevance to today, among them human rights, respect for life, ecumenism and interfaith dialogue, and evangelization. Over 100 apostolic visits were made to countries all over the world. Pope John Paul II gave heroic witness to speaking against injustices in the world and could not be silenced in this ministry, as evidenced by the unsuccessful attempted assassination on his life. The holy father's love for his neighbor was richly expressed in his unconditional forgiveness given to the man who had attempted to take his life.

Pope John Paul II offered us significant teachings and example to emulate in our own personal lives, in our journey to follow in the footsteps of the Risen Christ. We pray that his soul may find eternal rest and happiness in the Risen Christ!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 10, 2005, No. 15, Vol. LXXIII

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