FOR THE RECORD: Rep. Levin's statement

Following is the text of a statement by Rep. Sander Levin (D-Mich.) delivered in the House of Representatives on April 6.

Mr. Speaker, today in this chamber we heard a compelling voice for the power of freedom and democracy in President Viktor Yushchenko of Ukraine. Just a few months ago, the Ukrainian people stood up for genuine liberty in their country by peacefully demanding free and fair elections in what has become known as the Orange Revolution.

I am proud that the United States stood with the hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians that demonstrated for democracy in the streets of Kyiv. I will never forget last November 24, when I joined nearly 1,500 Ukrainian Americans from around the country at a demonstration in support of fair elections outside Ukraine's Embassy in Washington.

The Orange Revolution marked an important milestone in the history of Ukraine. President Yushchenko today addressed forcefully both the lessons of the past and fervent hopes for the future. Now that this peaceful revolution has been dramatically launched, we must stand with the people of Ukraine as they work to strengthen their democratic institutions and to make their country more prosperous. The U.S. should do more, not less, to help build a democratic and prosperous society in Ukraine.

In particular, we must end trade restrictions that were enacted for a different Ukraine at a different time. To achieve this result, I introduced H.R. 1170, a bill to extend permanent normal trade relations to Ukraine. The U.S. must work promptly for the admission of Ukraine to the WTO.

Mr. Speaker, I congratulate President Yushchenko on his election and the Ukrainian people for their determination to decide the future of their country. I urge the House of Representatives to make sure that the United States continues to stand with Ukraine as a friend and ally.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 17, 2005, No. 16, Vol. LXXIII

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