Quotable notes

... Ukraine President Viktor Yushchenko made his first visit to Washington since taking office in January, after being ushered into power by a massive pro-democracy movement. After meeting with Mr. Yushchenko, Mr. Bush said he supported Ukraine's entry to the WTO and NATO, while noting that the country will have to reach some targets to be seriously considered as a candidate for the alliance. ...

NATO has already been transformed from a strong military alliance of countries committed to defending each other into a kind of political/security club. That transformation is a fait accompli, and Ukraine's entry to the alliance would not therefore alter its dynamics in any significant way. While the strength of NATO has become diluted through enlargement, its expansion does appear to have hastened democratic reform in parts of Europe by offering countries an attractive carrot to democratize. Entry to the WTO, meanwhile, provides countries with a clear incentive to liberalize their economies and drop trade barriers - a process that often occurs in tandem with democratization.

... Mr. Bush's support will help to underpin Mr. Yushchenko's democratic government, as the Ukrainian people see their president can bring concrete benefits to their country. ... Mr. Bush's support could help empower Mr. Yushchenko and his nation.

- The Washington Times, "Supporting a free Ukraine" (editorial), April 9.

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 17, 2005, No. 16, Vol. LXXIII

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