Message from Ukraine's ambassador to the U.N.

Below is the text of Easter greetings to the Ukrainian diaspora from Ambassador Valeriy Kuchinsky, permanent representative of Ukraine to the United Nations.

Dear Friends:

On behalf of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the United Nations and on my personal behalf, please accept the most cordial greetings on the joyous holy day of the Resurrection of Christ - a holy day of joy, hope and purity.

For millions of people all over the world Easter is a bright and joyful day that strengthens them along life's way, awakening the best of feelings and thoughts.

Extending my greetings on this majestic day, I sincerely wish that this Easter may bring comfort to your hearts, happiness and well-being to your families, and hope for a better future.

May this blessed day be for all of us a source of peace, harmony, good and love for many happy years to come.

Happy Easter! Khrystos Voskres!

Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, April 24, 2005, No. 17, Vol. LXXIII

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