A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Plast summer camps in U.S., Canada and Ukraine offer diverse activities

by Larissa Oprysko

NEW YORK - Plast Ukrainian Scouting Organization gears up for another fun-filled summer packed with adventure, life-enriching experiences and lasting memories. From Cleveland to Massachusetts to Ukraine, Plast once again offers an extensive list of camps for all ages.

Camps for Plast "novatstvo" (children age 6-11) and "yunatstvo" (age 12-18) will be held on July 9-30 at the Novyi Sokil campsite in North Collins, N.Y., Pysanyi Kamin in Middlefield, Ohio; and Vovcha Tropa in East Chatham, N.Y. In order to attend a three-week summer camp, campers must have been members of Plast for at least three months. In addition, a two-week camp for "starshe yunatstvo" (boys and girls age 16-18) will be held at Vovcha Tropa on July 9-24.

The youngest members of Plast, age 6-7, who are novice campers can attend "Pochatkovyi Tabir" at Vovcha Tropa on July 10-16 or July 24-30.

Those interested in becoming counselors can attend the novatstvo counselors' training camp at Pysanyi Kamin on June 25-July 7 or the yunatstvo counselors' training camp at Pysanyi Kamin on July 1-7. "Zolota Bulava," a leadership and training camp, is also being offered this year near Toronto, on July 1-9. "Krayovyi Vyshkilnyi Tabir," which focuses on project preparations for "treta proba" (Plast's equivalent of eagle scout), will be held July 31-August 12 at a site to be announced.

Furthermore, Plast members age 24 and over searching for weekend counselor training can attend an intensive yunatstvo training course at Vovcha Tropa on May 28-29. In addition, "Vyshkil Zviazkovykh," the higher level of training for counselors of yunatstvo, is scheduled at the same time.

As always, Plast has specialized camps for those looking to focus on specific activities. "Morskyi Tabir" at Camp Marion White in Pittsfield, Mass., is taking place on August 6-13. Mountain Biking Camp, based in Lehighton, Pa., is on August 6-13. A Golf Camp will be held at Novyi Sokil on July 31 - August 6.

Yunatstvo interested in a unique opportunity may want to check out "Krayovi ta Mizhkrayovi Tabory" - a group of national/international camps. These camps are being held in Ukraine from July to August and more specific information can be found at www.plastusa.org/tabirs/pdfs/Ukr_tabir_2005.pdf.

For more information or camp applications, please visit the official Plast website at www.plastusa.org or contact your local Plast branch.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 1, 2005, No. 18, Vol. LXXIII

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