A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Saskatchewan camp for adults offers Ukrainian immersion program

CRYSTAL LAKE, Saskatchewan - The 2005 Adult Ukrainian Language Immersion Camp (AULIC) is scheduled for August 11-14 at Trident Camp, Crystal Lake, Saskatchewan. This year will mark its fifth anniversary.

The increased level of interest in the successful AULIC program has been gratifying. Registration has grown from 11 in 2001 to 25 in 2004. As an indication of the interest in AULIC, it must be noted that come registrants from as far away as Ottawa and various cities in the U.S.

This year's camp will offer three levels of instruction - beginners, intermediate and advanced - each taught by highly skilled instructors. The beginners level will be taught by Anita Drebot, a teacher with many years of experience from Regina, while Victoria Muzychuk, a professional teacher from Ukraine, will instruct the intermediate level, and the advanced class will be directed by Kateryna Stratiychuk, a teacher and former principal also from Ukraine.

In addition to a superb job of teaching, these women also handled embroidery and singing classes at past camps. The organizers and instructors are always looking for ways to improve the program and, as a result, this year's program promises to be even better.

The AULIC program has never been just class work. Evenings are spent singing, learning the finer points of Ukrainian cuisine and other cultural traditions, plus recreational pursuits such as playing cards, watching Ukrainian videos and sitting around the campfire. During the entire four-day weekend Ukrainian will be the "official" language, with English only used where necessary. Planners expect to once again organize a field trip to a local cultural or historic site.

For more information about the AULIC project, visit the new website at www.aulic.ca. While there, readers can download a registration form, review a sample program schedule and peruse other details like travel instructions and suggestions on what to bring to the camp.

In addition, AULIC is an exceptionally good deal. The 2005 registration fee will be a very modest $175 per student. This includes room and board, plus class materials. Those interested in learning more about the program can also speak to any member of the AULIC organizing committee, Ed Lysyk, Wayne Hydeman, Ken Mazur or Tony Harras, at (306) 586-6805 or (306) 585-7945, or can send an e-mail to [email protected].

The AULIC is a joint project of the Ukrainian Orthodox Men's Association of Regina and the Ukrainian Canadian Professional and Business Association of Regina.

Only a limited number of registrations will be accepted, so early applications are encouraged.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 1, 2005, No. 18, Vol. LXXIII

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