A Ukrainian Summer: where to go, what to do...

Restaurant trade show's highlight: an International Cuisine Pavilion

by Katherine Alvarado

CHICAGO - As ethnic diversity in the U.S. continues to grow, cuisine-curious diners are demanding a variety in food, and restaurants are giving them what they want. Varenyky, for example, could be the new dining trend of the future in the U.S. This possibility would bring valuable recognition of Ukrainian culture, tradition and importance of the Ukrainian community in the U.S.

That is why Roman Kutsenko, chief economic advisor for the Consulate General of Ukraine in Chicago, is reaching out to Ukrainian restaurants and companies in Ukraine in an effort for Ukrainian cuisine to be represented at the 2005 show of the National Restaurant Association (NRA).

The NRA is planning an International Cuisine Pavilion, an innovative new feature at its 2005 restaurant, hotel-motel show, to be held on May 21-24 at McCormick Place in Chicago.

Before a diverse group of consulate representatives, commercial attachés, industry leaders and ethnic media from more than 15 countries, Association President and Chief Executive Officer Steven C. Anderson introduced the pavilion as the first-ever to focus exclusively on international and domestic traditional ethnic food and beverages.

"This new pavilion will be a hot spot at this year's show," said Mr. Anderson. "Everyone in the $476 billion restaurant industry is looking for ways to positively differentiate themselves. One way is to embrace international foods and beverages that have not yet hit America in a big way. More specifically, the industry is looking for ethnic fusions, eclectic textures and that new taste that will satisfy the appetite of an increasingly sophisticated American palate and adventurous diners. The International Cuisine Pavilion will provide the needed showcase for these authentic concepts."

Representatives from Europe, Africa, Asia, and North and South America were enthusiastic about the prospect of having a focused forum to showcase imports and expand opportunities for ethnic specialities. The excitement and talk among those attending the announcement event focused on the many global foods that could soon be offered on menus everywhere. Examples included cassava chips from Ghana, paratha from Pakistan and gara masala from India.

The pavilion, to be located on Level 1 of the North Hall at McCormick Place, will host international and U.S. exhibitors showcasing traditional ethnic food and beverage products from around the globe. "Understanding the way to do business in the U.S. will be key to companies coming from other parts of the world," said the pavilion co-creator and president of International Trade Information Inc., Denyse C. Selesnick. "Together with the National Restaurant Association we will provide participating companies with the tools they need to be successful here in the United States," she added.

The International Cuisine Pavilion will benefit a broad range of restaurant industry organizations from single-unit entrepreneurs to multi-unit operators, and from those already offering ethnic items and wanting to expand to those that are looking for that new winning menu concept for the first time.

The pavilion will provide a venue for authentic cuisine to be featured by both domestic companies that either import or manufacture traditional ethnic food and beverage products, as well as the foreign companies looking to open new doors for their products in the U.S.

The pavilion will make it easy for buyers walking the exhibit floor to find ideas and solutions for their ethnic cuisine needs. The show is on both the U.S. Department of Commerce's International Buyer Program and the U.S. Foreign Agricultural Service list of sponsored trade shows.

Celebrating its 86th year, the association's annual restaurant, hotel-motel show is the largest single gathering of restaurant, food service and lodging professionals in North and South America. Each year, the show attracts more than 2,000 exhibiting companies and over 73,000 attendees from all 50 states and more than 100 countries. For the latest information, please visit the show website at www.restaurant.org/show.

The National Restaurant Association, founded in 1919, is the leading business association for the restaurant industry, which is composed of 900,000 restaurant and food service outlets and a work force of 12.2 million employees.

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Copyright © The Ukrainian Weekly, May 1, 2005, No. 18, Vol. LXXIII

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